Second Osprey Morning

La Goule, Doubs, Jura, Switzerland

The second Osprey morning took place on May 30, with the same goal as that of the first: to undertake a simultaneous watch at many potential fishing grounds to try to see where these birds are taking their first meal of the day. 57 volunteers got up even earlier than the last time to look for Osprey at 31 sites from 5:30 to 10:00. Thanks again to everyone who turned up at their designated posts in the Three-Lakes region, along the Aar and the Doubs (photo) rivers, or at the lake of Schiffenen.

The day dawned bright and sunny which felt like a miracle after almost continual rain since our first Osprey morning. However, this luck was tempered by the strong “bise”, a northerly wind which made both observation and fishing conditions more difficult, particularly on the larger lakes. Two Osprey were observed, the first being Arthur who put on a good show at Hagneck and then flew to Lobsigen (almost 10 km away), where he caught two fish. A second bird was seen from Fanel very far out, so impossible to see if it was ringed, but it could well have been Taurus.

No Osprey were seen on the lakes of Morat and Schiffenen, nor along the Aar and Doubs Rivers, but searching for them in such a large area can really feel like looking for a needle in a haystack!

A third “Osprey morning” will take place on Sunday June 20, a particularly good time when any Osprey seen in Switzerland  could be either one released by the project (such as Radar or other male returnees), or else a subadult female originating from elsewhere. Anyone not already signed up who would like to take part in the next Osprey Morning is most welcome to contact us here.