Participants 30 May, 2021

Squacco Heron Fanel Switzerland

Many thanks to all!

Even if not everyone saw an Osprey, many other interesting observations were made, such as this Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides), a rare passage species in Switzerland.

Adrian Aebischer Carole Jaussi
Mathis Barras Michel Jaussi
Michel Beaud Noël Jeannot
Julie Bergoignan Olivier Jean-Petit-Matile
Enzo Bertolo Soraya Krieg
Nadine Bitterli Christine Kursner
Thomas Bula Johnny Kursner
Olmo Canevascini Denis Landenbergue
Nicolas Casalonga André Maradan
Mirella Catella Andrew McMullin
Michel Cattin Bernard Monnier
Nathaline Château-Basler Paul-André Morandi
David Château-Basler Simon-Pierre Parrat
Emile Curty Jean-Yves Pirot
Laurence Drogrey Claire Piveteaud
Phillipe Drogrey Christiane Reynolds
Blaise Droz Patrick Reymond
Jérémy Droz Attilio Rossi
Martial Farine Robin Séchaud
Niels Friedrich Jean-Luc Simon
Didier Gobbo Sophie Singh
Martin Gross Zora Singh
Philippe Grovernier Wendy Strahm
Benjamin Gygax Stéphane Theytaz
Philippa Halden Virginie Trieu
Sven Henrioux Luc Villarejo
Jean-Luc Holweger Quentin Wenger
Pascal Humbert Sacha Zahnd
  Peter Zaugg

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The Osprey in Switzerland